Eating Healthy

Eating Healthy When You Have ADHD


I coach a lot of people around their health. How to set up exercise routines is one thing but eating healthy when you have ADHD is another, with its own unique challenges.
In this episode, Lisa Feinberg, a Registered Nurse and ADHD Coach, shares with me some of her tips and tricks.
First of all, she knows what works for her and furthermore, for her clients. Listen in as we discuss diet and exercise and how she keeps in shape!
Lisa’s Awesome Quote:

Eating Healthy
“When you come from what’s amazing, that’s
what you find; that’s who a person can be.”



Eating Healthy

Here are 3 ADHD-friendly helpful tips to help:

  1. 1) Buy Vega One protein powder
  2. 2) Prep Cook Day
  3. 3) Find fresh pre-cooked options

Salad-In-A-JarLisa is a fan of Vega One. (see below)
Lisa also explains how preparing some meals on Sundays for the rest of the week can help you stick to healthy options, like Salad-In-A-Jar.
Or, buying some inexpensive pre-cooked meals can help if you are the non-cooking type. (Rotisserie Chicken)
Lisa loves to help others by teaching and sharing what she knows because she knows what its like to set up systems for yourself when you have ADHD.
So, feel free to join the See in ADHD FB Group and tag her.
She’d love to meet you.
~ Jennie


Other Resources Mentioned:

4 ADHD-Friendly Tips For Dieting





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