wired differently

Wired Differently: The Interview

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Wired Differently

On this episode, I am a guest on the ADHD reWired podcast by host, Eric Tivers. He is a clinical social worker specializing in ADHD and Autism. On his podcast, I share some of my journey with my family, ADHD, and how I was to begin ADHD coaching. In this episode I am reading the forward to my next book, See in ADHD & Get Clear on What’s Going On, as the introduction to the interview.

In his show notes, Eric includes some of what I share:

  • A lot of emphasis is on the person with ADHD and how they can manage it, but there’s little support for those who live day-to-day alongside them.
  • It can be hard to sift through all the information available on ADHD. Some of the content is inaccurate or poor in quality, and even the best information can tend to be very jargon-heavy, making it hard for those not studying the subject to understand.
  • Jennie feels having an ADHD education around facts is important.
  • Quote by Jennie: “When you learn the facts of it and the wiring and […] subconscious processes, how can you think that the person is willfully doing something that you find annoying?”

Schedule Time with Jennie

Book Forward

Since finishing my degree in psychology and beginning a career in ADHD coaching, looking back on my life, everything has much more clarity. Now I see the effects of the invisible conditions that were to haunt my family:  bipolar disorder, ADHD, schizophrenia, depression and anxiety. I can’t say I didn’t know about them. It’s just I didn’t give them full credit for their impact. We might look, by all accounts, like a typical, “normal”, American family of four, complete with a cat; but, I never did feel normal. In fact, quite the opposite. I would feel different from them and from my friends. Being neurotypical in a home full of ADHD isn’t easy. (for more)

ADHD: A Different Hard Drive? << available on Amazon

For more information on being wired differently, check out my first book, which is available now on Amazon

~ Jennie