Visual Show Notes - ADHD Relationships

I’m on Your Side | ADHD in Relationships

Visual Show Notes
FRIDAY  | ADHD in Relationships

Rick Green says he’s no ADHD expert; however, I question that. After all, isn’t an expert someone who knows virtually everything there is to know on a subject? How he came to know just SO much about ADHD in relationships is just a part of his journey. I’m thrilled he took some time to sit with me and my co-host, Agnes Green, to share so much from epigenics to cognitive dissonance to stories of the experts with whom he’s worked.

Rick’s Awesome Quote:

ADHD in Relationships“The one who’s not upset will
say, ‘I’m on your team, I’m on your
side. That’s the reminder…”


ADHD in Relationships

Rick was recently honored as an inductee of the Order of Ontario. What that means is that his dedication to spreading ADHD awareness has not been in vain. In fact, his body of work has saved countless relationships and probably many lives. How’s that for a non-expert?

I encourage you to check out his site, Totally ADD, a place where laughing and learning are side by side like videos on a shelf. Oh, yeah…and there are tons of videos to choose from in the shop! Below is the link to just one of the fabulous one’s we dicuss in this episode. There are many others available at

The Comprehensive Guide to ADHD – Living With ADHD (Video Download)

Living with ADHD

Illustrates how ADHD can sabotage marriages, families, friendships, and careers. Patrick & Janis McKenna from ADD & Loving It?!, share their struggles and challenges, while Dr. Umesh Jain, Gina Pera and a dozen ADHD experts dismantle the complex web of symptoms to allow you to transform your relationships. This video will especially resonate with everyone who lives or work with someone who has ADHD.

Be sure to let us know what you think by leaving your comments below.

~ Jennie